Missing in Prince George — The Jack Family

Liam Hall
5 min readMar 23, 2020

The Jack Family

In 1989 the Jack family, a family of 4, of the Cheslatta Carrier Nation went missing from Prince George BC. Ronald and Doreen Jack are the parents of Russell, age 9, and Ryan, age 4. All four of them seemingly vanished that year in 1989.

On August 2, 1989, Ronald called his mother in Burns Lake to tell her that he and his wife Doreen had got jobs at a logging camp. And that is the last time anyone has seen or heard of the Jack family.

Ronald had said that he met a man at a local bar who told him about the jobs available at the camp, but time was an issue and they would have to leave right away if they were to take advantage of the opportunity. As a young family where money was tight, Ronald was excited about his luck meeting this man that provided the information.

Ronald told his mother that the camp was five miles past Bednesti in the Cluculz Lake area, that they would be gone for about 10 days and that the camp had a daycare available so they were going to take their young children with them as well, and would definitely be back home in time for Russell to go to school in September.

I have so many questions regarding this case. Who was the man that Ronald met in the bar that fateful night, and was he involved at all in the disappearance? Or did the Jack family run into foul play on the way to the camp? Where exactly was the camp located? Did it exist at all? What happened to the family’s vehicle? Did the…



Liam Hall

I like to write about crime, among other things. Studying computer security. Join Medium using my referral link https://zeph456.medium.com/membership